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Best Tips For Making Yourself A Succesful Entrepreneur

Many professionals who have 9 to 5 jobs, regardless which sector all desire to have something they can build and own themselves. Many want to run their own businesses and not answer to a manager or a boss, but rather have the freedom to work whenever they want and however they want.

 But although this can appear as a dream and
even a impossible task with the vast number of other responsibilities, one can still use their time wisely in order to attain this lifestyle.

What this article looks to present is just a few tips which have proved to work for some entrepreneurs, who were once upon a time employees, and are now directors, business owners and entrepreneurs.

It starts after work….

Its uncommon to find the working population wanting to do something extra after work. Many would see the time after work as relaxation, and rather just rejuvenating until their next shift in a few hours. But its surprising how important this section of the day is. Many successful businesses were built on a part time basis, and many which were after work projects.

If the working day finishes at 6pm, and one would probably get home and head for bed at say 12pm, what does a person use the middle 6 hours for? Rather then watching TV or wasting it away in some meaningless activity, there are a few steps that can lead to a life changing outcome.

Night Is Important

The eight hours at work are not going to lead anyone to achieving their dream, unless their happy in their careers and want to continue to work for a company, its key that one takes their own initiative to change their live. Blaming the company for not progressing, or not having a work life balance may be a valid argument, but yet again won’t do any wonders for anyone.

Working during the night can be a daunting task, especially when its something extra on top of the workload from ones work. But taking on freelance projects and taking the time to grow one’s reputation can have long term benefits. For example, if one was interested in designing but had no skills or experience, it may be an idea to go for a few classes in their own time, gain knowledge and skills searching the internet. If the responsibility of a family is involved, use the time after the children have gone to bed to take on lessons.

If its the case that a person continually relies on the company to provide the employee with time and resources to further their personal ambitions, it might not be something which will ever come about with the same result as what ones own initiative will.

Another example comes to mind of a history graduate from Queen Mary University, who was very keen on a career in Telemarketing. In her day she would do telemarketing, and in the evening after work she would learn how to code. As a result she was appointed as the Vice President of a start up, and now maintains her position as a Chief Technology Officer.

Similarly there is also a case of a Political Science graduate form the same institution, but was very business minded. He was able to establish a small start up business making homemade ingredients, and was able to sell the company off for a astonishing figure.

It is key to remember, that for such individuals, to take the extra time after work is what determined their future. This does not mean you neglect the family, or stop visiting the gym or watching the occasional TV in the evenings. But it is necessary to allocation time in such a way where one can make use of it to further and better their professional and personal aspirations.

For example spending time playing a game or spending the evening with the children is great, but one does not need to spend the evening watching the whole season of Game of Thrones, or wasting time on Facebook. These will do no good to anyone. So what should one be doing with their evenings?

Read More

Reading can be a great past time for many, but for the esteemed individual it will be a key to gaining knowledge and getting a head start. Its not just the exercise of reading which is important, but what one reads is as equally responsible for what sort of a mindset and intellect they will maintain. For example reading on the matters of industry trends and strategies or tactics may come handy in the way one can conduct themselves in the organization, leveraging their knowledge and creating new opportunities.

“If you spend one hour a day to learn about a topic,a year later, in this regard,the knowledge you gain will be more than 99.999% of the world’s people”
– Anthony Robbins –

 Apart from gaining a wealth of knowledge, reading can also improve the ability to hold a argument, making the conversations one would have more enriching and of a higher intellectual quality. So even if it means taking out a mere 30 minutes of reading time every night, the benefits which come with it are more then worth it.

Do Some Project Work

Working on projects at work will built a reputation for the employee, but having a outlook where one goes out and gets involved with external service can help built their ability to manage these projects more effectively. Getting hands dirty in a local community project, or working for a local charity can help one understand how to use these skills and make an impact on their professional career. Besides the thrill and better use of time, it can also provide one with experience in planning, executing and even gaining feedback on the outcome.

Although these projects are a excellent use of time, and will benefit an individual, it should be remembered that these are a spare exercise, and should be treated as something which is developing an individual. These should not be a replacement for the work which is essentially from the workplace. Its important to differentiate between work and extracurricular activities.

Active Network Building

If there was one piece of advice that is critical to being a successful entrepreneur, business person or even a successful employee, it is continue to build the network of connections which are available. This does not mean that one looks to get as many Facebook that they possibly can, but instead it focuses on how dividing a proportion of time every week to scope and search for people who can help in building ones vision for success.

Besides the fact that this opens up the doors to opportunities, there are numerous other benefits of having a large network of connections. Connecting with smarter individuals and learning their opinions provides not just information which might not be common knowledge, but also helps the business or company one is involved with look for potential partners. 

In the case of a employee, this can also open doors and opportunities where they can connect with their boss or colleagues from another department.

Entrepreneurs would benefit from the early customers which they would have access too, and their employees will be seen as a source of capital. Compare this benefit to other activities such as going home and watching TV or going to a bar or club, and see where one would rather seek better connections.

Searching and integrating with colleagues can also provide benefits. These could be people one works with, or even a potential next boss or employer, working alongside and building a social network is the number one difference between a successful entrepreneur and one which lacks personal development.

Use Time Wisely

There are many elements to being successful in the corporate world. Using the time one has between their 6pm after work till 12am bedtime, instead of going home and sitting in front of the television, make use of the free time one has.

Even though this means that the torments of being physically and mentally tired can have a impact, just knowing that one has the freedom to do whatever they want at this time, with no manager to give them orders is enough motivation to take the bold step to work toward something more personal.

One should also make sure they are able to relax. Working constantly under pressure and having to deal with difficult situations can leave one exhausted. Here the benefits of using the after work time to switch off the computer and switch off the brain from the workplace can also help one to concentrate more on what is more important to them. Meaning they are able to focus on what they want to do.

Use this time to make the right choices, where the time is used to make one smarter, stronger and in possession of a heavier and wider network of people who can help them succeed. If one does not value time, time will not value that person.

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