Vaginal infections or vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that creates discharge, odor, irritation, or itching. It is difficult to diagnose because vaginitis has many causes. Women use a variety of over-the-counter medications to treat the itching, discharge, and discomfort of these
conditions.The vagina creates its own environment and maintains a balance among the normal bacteria found there and the hormonal changes in a woman's body. Vaginitis occurs when the vaginal ecosystem has been changed by certain
medications such as antibiotics, hormones, contraceptive preparations (oral and topical), douches, vaginal medication, sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases , stress, and change in sexual partners.
Some vaginal infections are transmitted through sexual contact, but others such as yeast infections probably are not.
Vaginitis means inflammation and is often caused by infections, but may be due to hormonal changes (especially when a woman is going through menopause) or due to trauma in young girls. Some infections are associated with more serious diseases.
Three types of vaginal infections are the most common. Their causes are quite different but, their signs and symptoms are similar, and treatments of the three conditions vary.
1. Bacterial vaginosis
2. Vaginal yeast infection
3. Trichomoniasis
Many women often mistakenly think they have a "yeast infection" and treat themselves when, in fact, they have a similar vaginal infection that will not respond to self-treatment with over-the-counter yeast medications. A study by the American Social Health Association found that 70% of women self-treated vaginal infections before calling a health care provider. Most often, they incorrectly thought they had a yeast infection when, in fact, it was bacterial vaginosis or another condition.
The important thing is not to guess, but to recognize the symptoms if you develop a vaginal infection.
Wash the vagina at least twice daily. If you work out, sweat excessively, or are involved in some other sweat-inducing activity, then wash after each activity. Make sure you change your undergarments at least daily and wash them in hot water to kill any stubborn bacteria. This will help to get rid of sweat and bacteria may have been trapped, leaving you feeling and smelling
Wash the vagina at least twice daily. If you work out, sweat excessively, or are involved in some other sweat-inducing activity, then wash after each activity. Make sure you change your undergarments at least daily and wash them in hot water to kill any stubborn bacteria. This will help to get rid of sweat and bacteria may have been trapped, leaving you feeling and smelling
Do not douche; don’t use antiseptic soaps or body scrubs to wash your vagina. These products make the vagina unfavorable for good bacteria and impact on vagina health causing candida super-infection (the one popularly called “toilet infection”).
Always eat plain,
unflavored yogurt
regularly or take probiotics. These have live active bacteria that contribute to the healthy ecological balance of the vagina.
Always keep your vagina
dry, except you are
having sexual intercourse. Keeping moisture and sweat down there is a recipe for bad odor and poor vagina health.
Always change your
tampons or pads
regularly if you use them during your periods. The longer they stay, the faster the bacteria on them will breed, causing potential infections. You shall also avoid pads or tampons with
deodorants, sprays or other chemicals.
deodorants, sprays or other chemicals.
Avoid having multiple
sexual partners.
Studies show a correlation of multiple sex partners with recurring infections of bacterial vaginosis.
Always wear cotton
underwear or other
fabrics that fit you well and allow space to “air out” your vagina. Also avoid wearing tight-fitting pants as they rub against the vagina causing irritation that can contribute to infections.
Always eat healthy diet
that contains fruits
and vegetables and avoid highly processed foods and sugar. Highly processed foods and sugars change the pH of your vagina and affect its health. Sweet vagina smell and taste can be produced by vegetables, fruits and spices like cinnamon, & peppermint.
Give it room to
breathe regularly wearing of tight pants, not changing out of wet clothing for long periods of time, overuse of certain bubble baths and body washes are all common culprits responsible for vaginal infections. It doesn’t take much to upset the delicate balance of this organ and many innocent behaviors can lead to a yeast infection. A yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of naturally occurring candidas albicans fungus in the vagina. Symptoms include burning or soreness, intense itching and/or dryness, a strong offensive odor from vaginal discharge, as well as thick clumpy discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese.
Since fungus thrives in warm, moist, dark places it is important to allow your vagina some breathing room. Sleep in cotton underwear or loose shorts to allow it to come up for air.
Don’t be duped by the douche
95% of women douching are doing so unnecessarily and possibly putting themselves at more risk for vaginal infections. Many women mistakenly douche for a variety of reasons:
pregnancy prevention after unsafe sex, reducing vaginal odor and cleansing the vagina after menstruation. The truth is that douching is ineffective at resolving any of the issues listed. The vagina is one of two-self-cleansing organs that the female body possesses (the other one is the eye). Your body naturally keeps a balance of yeast and vaginal secretions to maintain its own
health. When disrupted by intense cleansing such as douching, it can force the vagina to overcompensate, resulting in a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. The vagina has a distinct smell that isn’t reminiscent of roses or a sunset breeze. Pay attention to your vagina’s natural scent. An offensive fish-like odor can indicate an infection.
It's an itchy feeling you might hardly notice at
first. Maybe, you muse, it's just that your jeans are too tight. Actually, tight jeans may have something to do with it. But if the itch keeps getting itchier, even when your
jeans have
been off for a while, then there's something else involved. That something else could very well be a fungus whose technical name is Candida, and which causes what is often called a "yeast" infection. Such infections are most common in teenage girls and women aged 16 to 35, although they can occur in girls as young as 10 or 11 and in older women (and less often, in men and boys as well). You do not have to be sexually active to get a yeast infection.
Though itchiness is a main symptom of yeast infections, if you've never had one before, it's hard to be sure just what's causing your discomfort. After a doctor makes a diagnosis of vaginal yeast infection, if you should have one again, you can more easily recognize the symptoms that make it different from similar problems. If you have any doubts, though, you should contact your doctor.
In addition to intense itching, another symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is a white curdy or thick discharge that is mostly odorless. Although some women have discharges midway between their menstrual periods, these are usually not yeast infections, especially if there's no itching.
been off for a while, then there's something else involved. That something else could very well be a fungus whose technical name is Candida, and which causes what is often called a "yeast" infection. Such infections are most common in teenage girls and women aged 16 to 35, although they can occur in girls as young as 10 or 11 and in older women (and less often, in men and boys as well). You do not have to be sexually active to get a yeast infection.
Though itchiness is a main symptom of yeast infections, if you've never had one before, it's hard to be sure just what's causing your discomfort. After a doctor makes a diagnosis of vaginal yeast infection, if you should have one again, you can more easily recognize the symptoms that make it different from similar problems. If you have any doubts, though, you should contact your doctor.
In addition to intense itching, another symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is a white curdy or thick discharge that is mostly odorless. Although some women have discharges midway between their menstrual periods, these are usually not yeast infections, especially if there's no itching.
Other symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:
soreness rash on outer lips of the vagina burning, especially during urination. It's important to remember that not all girls and women experience all these symptoms, and if intense itching is not
present it's probably something else.
Candida is a fungus often present in the human body. It only causes problems when there's too much of it. Then infections can occur not only in the vagina but in other parts of the body as well and in both sexes.
Pimples in and around the vagina are extremely common, especially in young adults.
They can be managed easily, once we understand the causes for their occurrence. Reasons for Getting Pimples on/and on the Vagina Just as you get pimples on any other part of your body, you may get it there. Vaginal lips are prone to pimple formation due to two reasons:
1. Moistness getting collected there.
2. Presence of many oil secreting glands. Genital Pimples increase during Menses because the moistness of the vaginal region increases, making it more favorable for labia pimples to grow. Just keeping the area clean and dry would help.
Common reasons for vaginal pimples getting infected
1. Squeezing or scratching the pimples with your hands.
2. Poor hygiene in the area due to tight underwear leads to accumulation of moisture, which promotes the growth of bacteria.
3. Wearing underwear made up of non-cotton fabrics is another cause because fabrics other than cotton are not able to absorb extra moisture.
4. Shaving the area while having pimples may injure them and eventually lead to infection.
Vaginal pimples need extra care. No medication is required if they are not infected. Just do the following:
1. Keep the area clean and dry.
2. Never pop or squeeze the pimple on your labia.
3. Wear loose cotton undergarments to keep the region dry and moisture free.
4. Have lots of water and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried and fatty foodstuff.
5. If the pimple is painful, it may be tense due to the pus collected inside. To ease this tension, try warm compress over it to soften the skin. Slowly, the pimple will start draining.
6. If you feel the pimple on your labia is infected, see a doctor for prescription of an antibiotic.
They can be managed easily, once we understand the causes for their occurrence. Reasons for Getting Pimples on/and on the Vagina Just as you get pimples on any other part of your body, you may get it there. Vaginal lips are prone to pimple formation due to two reasons:
1. Moistness getting collected there.
2. Presence of many oil secreting glands. Genital Pimples increase during Menses because the moistness of the vaginal region increases, making it more favorable for labia pimples to grow. Just keeping the area clean and dry would help.
Common reasons for vaginal pimples getting infected
1. Squeezing or scratching the pimples with your hands.
2. Poor hygiene in the area due to tight underwear leads to accumulation of moisture, which promotes the growth of bacteria.
3. Wearing underwear made up of non-cotton fabrics is another cause because fabrics other than cotton are not able to absorb extra moisture.
4. Shaving the area while having pimples may injure them and eventually lead to infection.
Vaginal pimples need extra care. No medication is required if they are not infected. Just do the following:
1. Keep the area clean and dry.
2. Never pop or squeeze the pimple on your labia.
3. Wear loose cotton undergarments to keep the region dry and moisture free.
4. Have lots of water and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried and fatty foodstuff.
5. If the pimple is painful, it may be tense due to the pus collected inside. To ease this tension, try warm compress over it to soften the skin. Slowly, the pimple will start draining.
6. If you feel the pimple on your labia is infected, see a doctor for prescription of an antibiotic.
Written by Sudo